Kylie Heiland

Persona 1

Photo of Bellamy Blake

Name: Bellamy Blake
Age: 21
Race: Caucasian and Asian
Occupation: College Student
Career goal: Physiotherapist
Relationship goal: Marriage
Life goal: Survive and lead
Project goal: Start playing quadball
Location: Boston, MA (654,779 pop.)
Predictability: Unpredictable
Who is around: College students

"Being a senior in college, I use the internet daily to research, watch lectures, and converse with my peers. My laptop contains all my notes and homework assignments, so I would be lost if it broke. I use my cell phone to contact my family since they live out of state. I use a vehicle with Bluetooth technology to listen to my cellphone's navigational system. I use apps so that my friends, family, and I can keep track of one another and make sure we are safe, which is my number one priority, living in the unpredictable world that we do. After studying, I love sitting back and relaxing while playing my favorite video game, Red Dead Redemption 2, on my Playstation 5. If it is not apparent, I use technology daily, whether using my elevator to take me to my dorm or a dating app to see if I can find my person.

New technology excites me; I love it when I upgrade my cellphone or purchase the latest and greatest hardware components for my desktop. While it can be frustrating when first using a product, the frustration quickly dissipates after a few uses. On the other hand, my sister cannot stand new technology and avoids upgrading anything as long as possible. When she finally breaks down and purchases new technology, she always makes me set it up, which I am happy to oblige!"

What matters most to Bellamy:
"My family and friends are the most important thing to me."

Persona 2

Photo of Clarisse Renaldi

Name: Clarisse Renaldi
Age: 72
Race: Caucasian
Occupation: Retired English Teacher
Career goal: None
Relationship goal: None
Life goal: Make the world a better place
Project goal: Support quadball playing daughter
Location: Miana, Genovia (82,304 pop.)
Predictability: Unpredictable
Who is around: Lives in 55+ community

"Growing up, I did not have the luxury of modern technology my daughter had been raised with. So, I avoid using technology as much as I can. I read physical newspapers and books because I cannot understand how to purchase them on the device that my daughter bought me. I refuse to shop online, as I want to physically see the item I want to purchase before purchasing it. While I enjoy watching television, it is much different than the set I had as a young adult, so I only watch it when my daughter is at home to help me. The technology I use is my vehicle, so I can get to the airport to visit my daughter, shop for groceries, and go to concerts. My oven is very advanced, too, which I use at least once a day to make meals or boil a pot of tea. I have always wanted to be more knowledgeable with technology, but I will never catch up. At least I have my daughter to help me.

I cannot keep up with technology, unfortunately. Every time I have learned how to use a device, that device changes, and I have to start the learning process all over again. I wish our world would slow down for just a minute so I could catch up, but that will never be the case. Do not get me wrong, I love some technology, like not having to watch commercials while watching a movie at home, but I often miss the simplicity I grew up with."

What matters most to Clarisse:
"I want to leave this world better than I found it."