Kylie Heiland

Moderator Script

Welcome the participant

Hi __! My name is Kylie Heiland, and I am leading today's usability test.

State the Purpose of the Study

Today, we are testing a website dedicated to quadball, which is a very unique sport. Over the next 45 minutes, you will help us understand how users interact with the website as you will be given tasks to complete. We are interested in your honest opinions and how you navigate the site, as it gives us insight on how we can make this website better for all users.

Describe Thinking Aloud

It is crucial that you voice your thoughts, as it gives us insight into what elements in the website may need improving. If you feel confused, intrigued, or even frustrated, please say it out loud. Especially voice when you see an element of the website that you dislike, such as the aesthetic, layout, or accessibility, to name a few.

Provide Forms for Participation

Before we start, please complete a pre-test questionnaire to gather initial thoughts. I will guide you through these. After the usability test, you will go through a post-test questionnaire.

Describe the Equipment

Since this is an online usability test, you will use your computer to test the website. Discord will be used so that I can see what is happening during the trial in real time. You will also either record your test using a recording software, or I will record your screen through Discord. A microphone is required, and a webcam is preferred, but only if you are comfortable.

Explain the Testing Process

We have a series of tasks for you to complete while using the website. Each time you complete a task, I will tell you the next task to complete. After giving you a task, I will remain quiet to allow you to focus. Please complete the tasks as you see fit, but if you get stuck, feel free to ask for some guidance, and I will happily assist.


For participating in this test, you will receive absolutely nothing! What a steal!

Ask for Questions

Do you have any questions before we start?

Start the Study

Great, let's begin. Please remember that there are no right or wrong answers. Your first task is to find the year quadball was created. Let us begin.